Monday 17 November 2008


I've just done a much-needed purge of old user accounts only to find that I'd about 40 Spam accounts set up on the Moodle. They'd never been used but frustrating nonetheless. To avoid this I've set up an account with (it's a FREE service) .You register with Recaptcha and once you type in the URL of your site you get a PRIVATE & a PUBLIC key. You then copy these strings into the appropriate places on the 'Manage Authentication' section of Moodle. Finally you need to embed the code into your webpage so the Recaptcha application appears. I will embed the necessary code on the front page later.

I want to still provide guest access to show off the work we do in the exemplar courses to guest users but I'm going to be more scrupulous about it so that I can be 100% confident about the VLE being a 'walled garden'.

A recent debate which came via Ian Usher showed that there is a call for the use of CRB clearance for guest users that access a VLE. This is clearly a thorny issue and one that I want to devote time and attention to prior to setting up some of the 'Hotseat' activities I have planned for the rest of the year.

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